Monday, January 23, 2012

Condition Chart for Your Featherweight



From: Graham Forsdyke (
Subject: Condition chart

Yes I believe that a system of determining condition is a great asset.
I devised one for ISMACS so that members could describe their
machines in correspondence. The following is a down load of a page that we send
out as part of a starter kit to new ISMACS members:

Condition chart
Graham Forsdyke's chart is now universally used to determine machine condition, so that when machines are described among collectors, in member's advertisements and in the auction reports, we can all have some better idea of the state of the items than good, very good or poor. This scale takes no notice of mechanical condition.
If something is broken or missing this should be stated, not hidden behind a number.
10: Just like the day it left the factory. Not a scratch or mark upon it. I think I have every seen only two machines in this category. 9: As 10 but with the small, odd scratch or wear mark evident to very close inspection. 8: Very good used condition. All paint good; all metalwork bright. What the average antique dealer would call "perfect". 7: Good condition but rubbing of paint evident and some nickel plating worn. 6: As in 7 but more wear to paint and some surface rust to the bright work. 5: The average, hard-used, ill-cared-for machine looking for someone to love it. 4: Poor condition, chipped enamel, rusty metalwork but acceptable for a collection if a rare machine. 3: In need of restoration but a reasonable job for a dedicated enthusiast. 2: Total restoration needed to paintwork and bright metal. It's a brave collector that takes it on. 1: Spare parts only and these would be in need of extensive restoration. This system seems to have worked well over the past 10 years and I commend it to members.

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